
All New Yorkers need more space – and our streets are our city’s largest resource. Opening up that space to people by pedestrianizing streets saves lives, improves physical and mental health and quality of life, reduces air pollution, and improves business revenue. This space is particularly critical around schools, where there are more crashes around pick-up and drop-off times, and where students desperately need access to more outdoor space for both education and enrichment.  TA is fighting to:

  • Build new pedestrian plazas near transit hubs and where open space is limited or inequitable

  • Pedestrianize streets in every borough for mobility, play, and dining, building on the model of Open Streets and Open Restaurants

  • Build safe, green public spaces outside every New York City school, serving New York City’s over one million children

Pedestrianization Campaigns

Research on Pedestrianization


Highway Teardowns & An End to Highway Expansions


Better Buses