All Campaigns

From expanding our network of bike lanes citywide, to pushing for speed safety cameras in every neighborhood, to local campaigns in every borough, TA’s advocacy work doesn’t stop!

Join us in our fight for safe, equitable streets in every neighborhood by supporting a campaign you care about.

Manhattan Guest User Manhattan Guest User

Broadway Linear Park

We are calling on the Mayor and our elected officials to redesign Broadway from Columbus Circle to Union Square into the Broadway Linear Park (BLiP) for everyone to enjoy for generations to come.

The BLiP will transform the avenue into a new destination, integrating nature, art, design, and people in a unique way, inspiring New Yorkers and visitors and transforming this boulevard into an oasis for businesses while encouraging sustainable, safe, and healthy transportation choices.

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Manhattan Guest User Manhattan Guest User

River to River, and Around the Park

We are calling on the NYC Department of Transportation and our elected officials to build safe crosstown access in Upper Manhattan.

The vast majority of New Yorkers do not move around the city and commute by car. In Manhattan, only 5.9% of owned vehicles are used for commuting and more people are choosing walking and cycling as a green and preferred means of transportation. However, our neighborhoods on the Upper East and West Sides still lack safe east-west corridors to move across town.

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