August 26: Congestion Pricing Hearings, Greenway Expansion, TA Field Team

We’d like to introduce you to the members of our Field Team. We brought this program back after a COVID-induced hiatus. We now have a team of ambassadors meeting New Yorkers and organizing support for our campaigns across all five boroughs.

You may have met some of these ambassadors at one of their recent field shifts, advocating for campaigns such as the Central Harlem Bikeway, more space for pedestrians and bike riders on the Queensboro Bridge (pictured above), and bringing Citi Bike to Staten Island.

Meet the Team


1️⃣ The MTA is hosting hearings on congestion pricing. The MTA will accept public comments on the upcoming implementation of congestion pricing at virtual hearings tomorrow through Wednesday. RSVP to attend a virtual hearing or submit your written comments by Sept. 9 – either way, it’s critical that we show how New Yorkers support congestion pricing.

2️⃣ New federal funding secured for greenways. Mayor Adams announced a $7.25 million federal grant to expand and improve the city’s greenway network, prioritizing low- and moderate-income communities. Special thanks goes out to Sen. Chuck Schumer for his work in securing the funding.

3️⃣ In the news. Here’s what we’re reading this week:

  • Wired looks at how much we could reduce carbon emissions if every country biked at the same rate as the Dutch. What makes this statistic notable – and attainable – is that on average, the Dutch ride about a mile and a half per person per day.

  • The family of Lauren Davis, a cyclist killed by a driver in Clinton Hill in 2016, shares their story of pursuing justice in an article for Outside.

  • The Daily News reports on the MTA’s recent cuts to bus service. We’d like to remind everyone that congestion pricing will help fund improvements to public transit, making bus service faster and more reliable.

Two Things to Do

1️⃣ Get tickets to the Pedestrian Prom. Our annual member party is back in Long Island City on Thursday, September 15. Join us in honoring some of our most dedicated activists and celebrating all we’ve accomplished together over the past year.

2️⃣ Sign up for the Tour de Staten Island. Make it a long weekend with TA and follow the Pedestrian Prom with the Tour de Staten Island on September 18. Register today for the 35- or the 50-mile route!

One Action To Take Now

Show your support for congestion pricing. We really can’t stress this one enough. New York City can become the first city in the United States to implement such a program, and congestion pricing will have positive effects on road safety, traffic levels, public transit, and the environment – all of which are key elements of our NYC 25x25 platform. Register to attend a hearing virtually or send the MTA your written comments.

Thanks for reading, and have a good weekend!
Ted and the TA team


September 2: McGuinness Update, Queens Open Streets, The Problem with Bigger Cars


August 19: Congestion Pricing, Lower Speed Limits, Central Harlem Bikeway