August 19: Congestion Pricing, Lower Speed Limits, Central Harlem Bikeway

The MTA kicks off its congestion pricing public hearings on Thursday. When implemented, congestion pricing — the first program of its kind in the U.S. — would add a toll for drivers entering Manhattan below 60th Street.

We must reduce the amount of cars on our streets and improve public transit options. Congestion pricing does both.

Revenue from the program will fund much-needed investments into subways, buses, and trains. The reduced car traffic will decrease air pollution, congestion, and traffic violence.

Mark your calendar for an upcoming public hearing, and tell the city that we need safe, sustainable, and efficient streets.

RSVP to Attend a Hearing


1️⃣ Slower speeds make safe streets. Governor Hochul signed a law allowing localities around the state to reduce their speed limits to 25 mph – another step forward for the Crash Victim Rights and Safety Act.

2️⃣ A tax credit for not owning a car? California is one step closer to making it possible! Last week, the state Assembly passed a bill that would give households up to $7,500 for not owning cars. Read more about the bill in Streetsblog.

3️⃣ In the news. Here’s what we’re reading this week:

  • Mayor Adams announced an Intelligent Speed Assistance Pilot program for city fleet vehicles, Bloomberg reports. The city will install devices in these vehicles that prevent drivers from going faster than the speed limit.

  • Now is the time to double-down on a safe Hylan Boulevard, says TA’s Staten Island and South Brooklyn Organizer Rose Uscianowski in an op-ed for the Staten Island Advance.

  • Citi Bike set a new single-day record for rides, with more than 136,300 saddling up last Saturday. Must be something about having miles of car-free streets that makes people want to get out and be active…

Two Things to Do

1️⃣ Sign our Central Harlem Bikeway petition. Adam Clayton Powell, Jr. Boulevard has an unprotected bike lane for less than half a mile in total. Central Harlem deserves more. Join us in calling for a protected bike lane from 110th Street to 155th Street and add your name to our petition.

2️⃣ Follow our advocacy work in Brooklyn! TA’s Brooklyn Activist Committee launched a new Twitter account, so give them a follow and stay tuned for updates on initiatives such as Clinton Hill Safe Streets.

One Action To Take Now

Join us at Summer Streets this Saturday. TA will have bike valet stations at the final Summer Streets — find us at the Astor Place, Rose Hill, and Midtown rest stops. And, after Saturday, support NYC 25x25 to make this a reality 24/7/365. These streets can be yours more than just three days a year!

Thanks for reading, and have a good weekend!
Ted and the TA team

P.S. Our friends at Brooklyn Greenway Initiative are helping lead the city to create a network of greenways safe and accessible to all New Yorkers. Right now they’re looking for an executive director. Learn more and apply now.


August 26: Congestion Pricing Hearings, Greenway Expansion, TA Field Team


August 12: Summer Streets Ride, Curbside Composting, Bike Crosstown