Vehicle Safety

Vehicle safety is an essential component of a Safe Systems approach to making our roads safer for all users. More than 99% of all traffic fatalities involve a car or truck because of physics; cars and trucks are the largest, heaviest, and fastest objects on our streets, and therefore can cause the most harm. Whether you walk, bike, or drive, we are all endangered by the ease with which vehicles – growing ever larger in a market that incentivizes SUVs and pickup tricks – can exceed the speed limit in our city. All New Yorkers deserve to move about the city safe from speeding cars, towering trucks, and dangerous congestion. TA is fighting to:

  • Create new requirements for Intelligent Speed Assist technology in vehicles to prevent repeat speeders from exceeding the speed limit

  • Discourage driving in the most congested parts of New York City by fully implementing Congestion Pricing,

  • Disincentivize the ownership of dangerous large vehicles through the creation of a weight-based vehicle registration fee adjustment

