All Campaigns

From expanding our network of bike lanes citywide, to pushing for speed safety cameras in every neighborhood, to local campaigns in every borough, TA’s advocacy work doesn’t stop!

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Queens Michelle Deme Queens Michelle Deme

Pedestrianize Austin Street

Austin Street in Forest Hills, Queens is congested and dangerous to pedestrians, cyclists, and commuters. We need to widen sidewalks, create outdoor seating areas, and create safer crossings for pedestrians.

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Queens Guest User Queens Guest User

Exclusive Walkway & Bikeway on the Queensboro Bridge

The Queensboro Bridge South Outer Walkway petition calls for separate pedestrian and bike lanes on the dangerously overcrowded Queensboro Bridge. With physical distancing protocol in effect, now more than ever, we need to create space for pedestrians, cyclists and all other users of the bridge to maintain space and secure safe passage across the bridge.

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Queens Guest User Queens Guest User

#FixNorthernBlvd — The New Boulevard of Death

Northern Boulevard is a key transportation artery linking many different neighborhoods in Western and Eastern Queens all the way out into Long Island. It currently acts as a residential highway rather than a Main Street for the community. Queens communities are coming together to find ways to start prioritizing bus speed and bike safety and stop the death of children and other road users on Northern Boulevard.

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