All Campaigns

From expanding our network of bike lanes citywide, to pushing for speed safety cameras in every neighborhood, to local campaigns in every borough, TA’s advocacy work doesn’t stop!

Join us in our fight for safe, equitable streets in every neighborhood by supporting a campaign you care about.

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Tell Your Council Member: Reject E-Bike Licensing

Intro 606-2024 would mean that nearly 100,000 New Yorkers who ride e-bikes every day — whether to take their kids to school, commute to work, or pay their bills — would need to get “licensed” to do so. We must pull the brakes on this costly, dangerous, ineffective idea. 

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Transform Our Streets with Congestion Pricing

Congestion pricing can and will transform our city for the better, but to ensure New York City reaps the most benefits, policymakers must take steps today to take full advantage of the oncoming changes. Sign our petition to tell the city we need to act now to be prepared.

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Slow Down Reckless Drivers

It is time we act about reckless drivers. Intelligent Speed Assistance technology will make our streets safer and ensure that a small number of reckless drivers don't control our public spaces.

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NYC 25x25

New York City’s streets and sidewalks make up our largest public space. But more than 75 percent of that space is devoted to driving and free storage for cars

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The East River bridges, bike paths, and pedestrian paths are too dangerously overcrowded to safely walk and bike on. Pedestrians, cyclists, runners — we all need more space!

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Demand Permanent 24/7 Car-Free Open Streets

New York City's Open Street are popular, beloved, effective, and lifesaving. But, our new research finds those benefits are lost when infrastructure is subpar. We need our leaders to correct these inequities and make permanent 24/7 Open Streets part of NYC 25x25 — a plan to convert 25 percent of car space into space for people by 2025.

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