Wealthy West Siders Continue to Use Political Connections to Delay Critical Transit Improvements

Statement of Transportation Alternatives’ Senior Director of Advocacy Thomas DeVito:

"The new design for 14th Street is the solution for a congested corridor where a small fraction of people drive, and where buses move at walking speeds. But relief remains out of reach for New Yorkers who ride the M14 -- the slowest bus in the city -- thanks to yet another round of legal maneuvers from a small group of wealthy, well-connected West Siders.

These so-called progressives' effort to stymie the plan to speed up bus service on 14th Street is a bad-faith effort to preserve a cars-first status quo, and frankly, a waste of time. This tiresome, tedious effort to circumvent the democratic process delays tangible improvements to the commutes of tens of thousands of working New Yorkers. It's despicable, and we're not going to accept it."


Wealthy West Siders Continue to Use Political Connections to Delay Critical Transit Improvements


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