Transportation Alternatives Statement After Drivers Kill Two New Yorkers in the Bronx, Including 15-Year-Old Girl

Traffic violence has killed 95 people so far in 2024, up 14% from the Vision Zero average.

Crashes have killed six children in 2024, up 50% from the Vision Zero average.

graphic showing why the intersection is dangerous

THE BRONX, NY — Traffic crashes killed two New Yorkers, including 15-year-old Daphne Juan, in the Bronx Tuesday.

Daphne Juan and a 19-year-old man were struck by the driver of a Honda SUV near West 192nd Street and University Avenue — killing the 15-year-old and critically injuring the 19-year old man.

Traffic violence has now killed 112 children since Vision Zero began in 2014 — including six in 2024 alone, up 50% over the Vision Zero average.

Tuesday evening, at Washington Avenue and East 167th Street, a speeding SUV driver struck another SUV, causing the SUV to strike and kill a 30-year-old woman as she tried to cross the street. The driver drove away without stopping. East 167th Street is a Vision Zero Priority Corridor, a street known to the City of New York to be dangerous, but no physical safety improvements have been made to the street.

Statement from Elizabeth Adams, Deputy Executive Director for Public Affairs at Transportation Alternatives:

“We are heartbroken that traffic violence killed two New Yorkers in the Bronx. Simply getting around New York City should not be a life-or-death endeavor, and we implore our leaders to do more to protect New Yorkers from traffic violence.”

“Traffic violence has already killed six children this year, an alarming number that demands immediate action. We know how to prevent traffic violence. We need Mayor Adams and his administration to fully comply with the NYC Streets Plan and build infrastructure that slows down drivers and protects all New Yorkers from traffic violence.”


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