Transportation Alternatives Executive Director Danny Harris Named to Mayor’s Surface Transportation Advisory Council

Statement of Transportation Alternatives Executive Director Danny Harris:

“I am honored and humbled to be named to the Mayor’s Surface Transportation Advisory Council, and look forward to working alongside City officials and fellow council members to help New York use our streets to support the city’s recovery.

New York City has an incredible and underutilized asset in our streets, which make up 80 percent of our public space. As we emerge from this crisis, we must ensure that this space serves the most efficient and equitable purpose for all New Yorkers. At present, cities around the world are already reallocating street space from car movement and storage in support of physical distancing, reopening restaurants and bars, creating a network of protected bikeways and busways, expanding sidewalk space, and advancing climate change goals. 

Under Mayor de Blasio, New York City has demonstrated leadership on safe and open streets, and we must continue to lead for the sake of our city’s recovery. We have a once in a generation opportunity to rebuild New York as a more just, equitable, and resilient city for all residents. We must do so by building our shared future around people, not cars.”


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