Transportation Alternatives and Families for Safe Streets Applaud Governor Hochul on Signing Sammy’s Law 

Sammy’s Law will finally allow New York City to set its own speed limits.

BROOKLYN, NY — Today, Governor Hochul signed Sammy’s Law, legislation that will allow New York City to set its own speed limits. 

Sammy’s Law is named for Sammy Cohen Eckstein, a 12-year-old boy killed by a speeding driver in Brooklyn in 2013 just a few blocks from his home. Since his tragic and preventable death, nearly 2,500 people, including more than 100 children, have been killed in traffic violence across New York City.

Statement from Amy Cohen, mother of Sammy and co-founder of Families for Safe Streets:

“This isn’t just Sammy’s Law – it’s Giovanni’s Law, Ally’s Law, Niiqua’s Law, every child killed by a reckless driver – and now it will finally be law in New York State.”

“It’s been a long fight, but not a lonely one; we’ve stood alongside so many fellow members of Families for Safe Streets, elected officials, and local organizations who dedicated so much of themselves to this cause. The support of bill sponsors State Senator Hoylman-Sigal and Assemblymember Rosenthal, Speaker Heastie, Majority Leader Stewart-Cousins, Governor Hochul, Mayor Adams, and City Council Speaker Adams, alongside over 130 organizations, made today possible.”

“Sammy’s Law is named for my son, Sammy, who was killed by a reckless driver when he was only 12 years old. So many know his name only because his life was cut short – and with this legislation, I hope we can learn more children’s names because of their accomplishments, their personalities, and their spirit — not their final moments.” 

Statement from Danny Harris, Executive Director of Transportation Alternatives: 

“Today is a massive win for New Yorkers. Slower speeds save lives – and now New York City will finally be able to set its own speed limits.” 

“New York City needs every tool to end traffic violence. Today, Governor Hochul is signing Sammy’s Law, a critical tool to keep people safe. This moment would not have been possible without the tireless advocacy of Amy Cohen and countless other members of Families for Safe Streets who turned their terrible loss into powerful advocacy. Thank you to State Senator Brad Hoylman-Sigal and Assemblymember Linda Rosenthal for sponsoring Sammy’s Law, Governor Hochul for signing it into law, and all of our elected champions for your support.” 

“We look forward to the immediate implementation of Sammy’s Law, and we will keep fighting until no New Yorker needs to fear death or serious injury on our streets.”


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