Families for Safe Streets Statement on Passage of Sammy's Law

 Speaker Heastie, Chair Magnarelli: We need you now to act. 

ALBANY - As the New York State Senate vote sto approve Sammy’s Law (S.524/A.4655), which would allow New York City to set speed limits below 25 miles per hour, Families for Safe Streets Co-Founder Amy Cohen and mother of Sammy Cohen Eckstein who was killed by a reckless driver in Brooklyn in 2013, released the following statement: 

“Sammy’s Law will save lives. We thank Senator Hoylman, Chair Kennedy, and Majority Leader Stewart-Cousins for taking a step toward safer streets and giving New York City the authority to set lower speed limits.”

“All eyes are now on Speaker Heastie and Assembly Transportation Chair Bill Magnarelli of Syracuse, who have not yet scheduled a vote today on Sammy’s Law. As families whose loved ones have been killed in fatal crashes, we cannot accept their inaction.”

“Traffic violence is killing a record number of New Yorkers. We believe that this crisis demands passage of the entire Crash Victim Rights and Safety Act package this year. It would be completely unacceptable to not pass even one bill from the life-saving package. Lowering speed limits is proven to save lives. With mere hours left in the legislative session, we are laser focused on Sammy’s Law.”

“This bill has overwhelming support among New Yorkers. It is backed by DC37 and AARP NY. The New York City Council voted on May 27 by a 42-6 margin calling upon Albany to pass Sammy’s Law, and in a recent survey by Emerson College, 72% of New Yorkers said they want to see New York City, not Albany, determine safe speed limits.

“The Assembly cannot turn a blind eye to the public health epidemic on our streets. Speaker Heastie, Chair Magnarelli: We need you now to act and pass Sammy’s Law today.”




New Yorkers Will Die Because the Assembly Failed To Act: Statement From Families for Safe Streets on State Assembly Refusing to Pass Crash Victim Rights and Safety Act, Including Sammy’s Law


Statement from Transportation Alternatives in Response to Hit and Run Crash that Killed 16-Year-Old While Riding Bike In Queens