Families For Safe Streets and Transportation Alternatives Statements on Confirmation of Pete Buttigieg to be Secretary of Transportation at USDOT

NEW YORK CITY - In response to the United States Senate overwhelmingly voting to confirm Pete Buttigieg as Secretary of Transportation, Families for Safe Streets and Transportation Alternatives released the following statements:

Statement of Families For Safe Streets Co-Founder, Amy Cohen:

“Nearly 40,000 American lives are lost each year in traffic violence. Families for Safe Streets members know first-hand the devastating impact of this public health crisis, and that is why we are calling on the Biden administration to commit to a plan that will reduce traffic deaths to zero by 2050. Our country needs a transportation leader who will commit to ending fatal traffic crashes, and we are confident that Secretary Buttigieg will be this leader at USDOT.”

Statement of Transportation Alternatives Executive Director, Danny Harris:

“As our next leader at USDOT, we urge Secretary Buttigieg to green-light congestion pricing for New York, fully fund public transit in cities across the country, and promote safe street design nationwide. As we face growing transportation and infrastructure challenges, we are hopeful the Biden Administration will deliver tested solutions that put people and public transit above private vehicles. We congratulate Secretary Buttigieg on his confirmation, and look forward to him advancing solutions for cities across the country.”


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