Statement from Transportation Alternatives After Governor Hochul’s Motion to Dismiss for the Congestion Pricing Lawsuits is Denied 

NEW YORK — Today, Transportation Alternatives released the following statement after a judge denied Governor Hochul’s motion to dismiss the two congestion pricing lawsuits. 

Statement from Elizabeth Adams, Interim Co-Executive Director at Transportation Alternatives

“Today’s decision confirms what New Yorkers have been saying: congestion pricing is the law of the land in New York State, and Kathy Hochul can’t govern through YouTube video or blatantly ignore settled law. We’re proud to support both of these lawsuits to finally allow congestion pricing to begin.”

“Earlier this week, the MTA Board approved the next capital plan — which includes plans to add elevators to stations, buy modern train cars, and build the Interboro Express. But these much-needed investments require billions in funding to become reality — and that was before Governor Hochul single-handedly created a $15 billion dollar congestion pricing-shaped hole. New Yorkers rely on transit to get around – and ignoring and underfunding our public transportation system will have real-world consequences for the millions of people who ride it every day. As the system remains criminally inaccessible, trains slow to a crawl, and headways stretch even longer, New Yorkers know Kathy Hochul created this mess.”

“If Kathy Hochul really cared about affordability, working families, and everyday New Yorkers, she’d turn on the cameras today. We won’t let her kill this essential, transformative program. It’s not too late – turn on congestion pricing now.” 


Statement from Transportation Alternatives after City Council Votes to Legalize Jaywalking