Statement from Transportation Alternatives After City Council Passes Home Rule Resolution Supporting Sammy’s Law 

Sammy’s Law would allow New York City to finally set its own speed limits

42% of pedestrians struck by motor vehicles at an impact speed of 25 mph will sustain serious injury or die.

NEW YORK — Today, after City Council passed M 0155-2023, a message of home rule support for Sammy’s Law, Transportation Alternatives’ Executive Director Danny Harris released the following statement: 

“Today, the City Council sent a clear message to our legislators in Albany: New York City must have control over our speed limits to save lives across the five boroughs. Driving 20 mph instead of 25 mph can be the difference between life and death and makes a negligible difference during your commute.”

“At present, New York City is experiencing an epidemic of traffic violence on our streets, and it is  not impacting all New Yorkers equally. City Council districts that are majority Black have higher traffic injury rates. New Yorkers of color make up a disproportionate share of bike riders killed. Our most vulnerable New Yorkers – our youngest and our oldest – are much less likely to survive car crashes. Today’s vote is a step towards a better, more equitable, and safer city for everyone.”

“And, New Yorkers agree. 72% of New York City residents believe the City should have the authority to set its own speed limits and 68% of New York City residents said they ‘probably’ or ‘definitely’ would support seeing the speed limit lowered from 25 to 20 mph on residential streets near their homes.”

“Thank you to City Council Speaker Adrienne Adams for advancing this home rule resolution which will help save lives for decades to come, and to Council Member Gutiérrez and Transportation & Infrastructure Chair Selvena Brooks-Powers for championing this resolution. We also thank Mayor Adams for submitting the local home rule request. Now it’s time for lawmakers in Albany to pass Sammy’s Law before the end of session.”


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