Child Killed, Mother Seriously Injured After Truck Crash in Queens

Transportation Alternatives Calls on Mayor de Blasio and the New York City Council to Pass the Reckless Driver Accountability Act After 18th Pedestrian Killed in 30 Days -- “Strollers for Safe Streets” Rally on Saturday 1/11 to Demand Action

Statement of Transportation Alternatives Executive Director Danny Harris:

“On Tuesday morning, a truck driver struck and killed a 10-year-old boy and grievously injured his mother at 97th Street and 57th Avenue in Queens. On behalf of Transportation Alternatives and Families for Safe Streets, we send our heartfelt condolences to the family.

The 10-year-old boy is the 18th pedestrian killed by a driver on New York City streets in just 30 days. Tragedies like these are not accidents, but predictable and preventable results of policies that prioritize moving traffic ahead of protecting people.

In moments of crisis, we don’t need hopes and prayers from our elected leaders; we need immediate action. We urge Mayor Bill de Blasio and members of the New York City Council to ensure that every New Yorker has the right to safe passage on our streets, and no New Yorker has to walk in fear. 

In the coming days, the City Council should pass, and Mayor de Blasio should sign into law, Council Member Brad Lander’s Reckless Driver Accountability Act, which will remove habitual reckless drivers from the streets by impounding their vehicles. In the coming months, the City Council and Mayor’s Office should work together to develop a plan to increase driver’s visibility of pedestrians by “daylighting” every signalized intersection in New York City.

This Saturday, January 11, Transportation Alternatives and Families for Safe Streets will make these demands heard, along with Public Advocate Jumaane Williams and hundreds of families, at a parent-led protest -- Strollers for Safe Streets -- outside 250 Broadway in Manhattan at 12 noon. All are welcome to join. Bring a stroller or granny cart and stand up for safe streets.” 


NYC Parents with Strollers Demand Safe Streets


Transportation Alternatives Statement on Governor Cuomo’s Penn Station Expansion Plan