Central Park West Bike Lane Plan a Step Forward, but More Can Be Done

Statement of Transportation Alternatives Senior Director of Advocacy Thomas DeVito:

“We commend Mayor de Blasio for committing to a safer design for Central Park West, and although we’re disappointed to see the initial plan does not include a southbound protected bike lane, it is important to get to work immediately to reduce the dangers cyclists face right now. That said, the streets which surround Central Park deserve the type of capital improvements befitting this world-class public space. We expect this is just the beginning of the conversation. After congestion pricing is implemented in 2021, it will be imperative for the city to revisit this plan and implement protected bike lanes in both directions using the spatial dividend that will accompany decreased congestion.”


Mayor de Blasio, Local Electeds Need to Act on Southern Brooklyn Bike Safety, Proceed With Implementation of Bike Network Plan


Statement: With Passage of Vision Zero Street Design Standard Bill, City Council Moves to Take Politics Out of Street Safety