“A Terrifying Wake Up Call for Mayor de Blasio” -- Crash Involving Public Advocate Shows Pervasive Danger for Cyclists

Transportation Alternatives and Families for Safe Streets respond to Public Advocate Jumaane Williams being struck by a car driver while on his bicycle on Thursday morning in Brooklyn

Statement of Transportation Alternatives Deputy Director Marco Conner DiAquoi

“We are angered and saddened to hear that Public Advocate Williams was struck by a driver while riding his bike, and are incredibly grateful to hear that he is okay. That biking in some parts of New York City is so pervasively dangerous that Public Advocate Williams would be struck can only be described as a terrifying wake up call for Mayor de Blasio.

Riding a bike provides an outlet for so many of us in these trying times, and our city’s recovery will depend on many more New Yorkers biking to work. If we cannot make it so more New Yorkers can bike safely, the result will be Carmageddon. It is now more important than ever that cycling is safe and convenient in every neighborhood and for all New Yorkers. 

But today, cycling is only barely safe and convenient for some. Protected bike lanes exist only as disconnected fragments, and few bike lanes stretch outside predominantly wealthy, white neighborhoods. A look at the New York City bike map shows this shocking inequity. Protected bike lanes and protected intersections save lives, prevent injuries, and encourage people to bike. Infrastructure for cycling must be installed as a truly connected network throughout New York City -- prioritizing areas historically denied these treatments -- which can be done rapidly with low-cost solutions including paint and plastic bollards. Stopping these crashes is simply a matter of priority and political will. Mayor de Blasio has the power to act now. While we regret the Public Advocate’s crash, we hope it will serve as a wake-up call to the Mayor of his responsibility to protect people on bikes.”

Statement of Families for Safe Streets Founding Member Amy Cohen

“At Families for Safe Streets, we know all too well the horrors that cars can cause, especially to people walking and biking. Some of us have been injured in crashes and some of us have lost a loved one. We are grateful that Public Advocate Williams was not seriously injured when he was struck while riding his bike, yet we are also saddened and angered to be reminded that no one is safe from traffic violence today in New York City.

We also know what could have prevented this crash and the suffering that we, and countless New Yorkers, experience every day. The answer is designing our streets with safety, not speed or traffic flow, as the top priority. Protected bike lanes and other proven design solutions make our streets safer, not just for people biking but also for those walking and driving.

We wish Public Advocate Williams a full and fast recovery and are eager to stand with him in the fight to prevent more senseless suffering. We also urge Mayor de Blasio to recommit to Vision Zero and direct his Department of Transportation to apply, without delay, their full toolbox of proven lifesaving measures.”


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