You Deserve a Reliable Transit System

Congestion pricing will transform New York City for the better. 

Let's face it: traffic congestion in the city is a huge problem that not only costs us billions of dollars, but also pollutes our environment and makes our streets unsafe. By reducing the number of cars on the road, we can improve air quality and reduce carbon emissions, making our city greener and more sustainable for future generations.

And the best part? The revenue generated from congestion pricing will be used to fund improvements to public transportation —  funding projects like the Interborough Express, the Second Avenue subway and elevators at stations across the region. Upgrades in signal technology on the A and C trains will lead to more reliable commutes and less traffic could save express bus riders up to two hours of commuting per week.

Right now, the MTA is accepting public comments before it adopts a final plan. Hundreds of TA supporters have already submitted a comment in support — can you take two minutes and tell the MTA you support congestion pricing?


The city’s first public charging stations are now open. New York City’s first public e-bike charging station is now open in Manhattan with more locations coming soon.. These charging stations include lockers to exchange depleted batteries and charging docks. We are proud to stand with a powerful coalition of supporters, including education leaders and street advocacy groups, advocating for improved infrastructure for delivery workers and e-bike riders. This is a huge step forwards, and we must continue to expand the public charging hubs to every council district! 

Learn more about Spatial Equity NYC at our free, virtual webinar. Spatial Equity NYC is a tool that highlights how public spaces in New York City are used — and disused. At noon this Friday, March 8, we will be hosting a walkthrough on how to use Spatial Equity NYC for research, advocacy, journalism, and more. Don't miss this opportunity to learn!

In the news. Here's what we're reading this week:

  • A proposed redesign of Second Avenue in Manhattan would add a 24/7 bus lane and a wider bike lane, Gothamist reports.

  • MTA announces near completion of the toll collection infrastructure for congestion pricing program, amNY reports. 

  • Tremont Ave subway station in the Bronx now has full ADA accessibility for B and D trains, with new elevators, staircases, and new platform edges, reports Bronx Times. 

  • City Council passes bills to crackdown on businesses selling e-bikes and e-scooters with uncertified lithium-ion batteries, City & State reports. 


Join us for our Bedford Walk and Talk. We'll meet on Bedford Avenue at Dean Street and walk our way up to Flushing — discussing ways to make Bedford Avenue safer for everyone. Along the way, we'll make a few stops to hear from community leaders about why it's important to make Bedford Avenue safer. We will be walking the stretch of Bedford Avenue that Mayor Adams promised to improve by last year. Don't miss out on this opportunity to be a part of the movement towards creating a safer street. Sign our petition to create a safer Bedford Avenue and come walk with us! All are welcome.

Bring car-free School Streets to your neighborhood. Clarence Eckerson, the founder of StreetFilms recently embarked on a trip to Paris to document the city's widely successful School Streets program. Car-free School Streets are car-free spaces near public, private, or charter schools, giving kids and educators the freedom for outdoor classes, recess, and play. Check out his video to get inspired and download our School Streets toolkit to help your school administrator and neighbors create a School Streets plan. Questions about the process? Reach out to our Youth & Schools Organizer, Lauren Newman.


Join Tour de Staten Island and celebrate Earth Day early. When you register to ride the Tour de Staten Island on April 21, your registration fee supports our activism to create a more sustainable New York City! Don't wait — sign up now to enjoy a fun and healthy outdoor activity while making a positive impact on the environment!

P.S. If you ride the ferry, fill out this survey. Do you want a faster and more efficient way to travel between Staten Island and Bay Ridge? We're conducting a NYC Ferry Use Survey to gauge the demand for a Fast Ferry service between St George and Bay Ridge. Your input will help us provide New York City Economic Development Corporation with an accurate estimate of the potential ridership. So why wait? Take a few minutes to fill out the survey and let your voice be heard. Together, we can make commuting a breeze!


Your support will help make Sammy's Law a reality


Spatial Equity 2.0 and an update on the NYC Streets Plan