Families Bike Brooklyn: Resources for Families

Here are some things to know if you’re looking to bike as a family in Brooklyn, or in any of the five boroughs. Our resources give guidance on the different scenarios and needs families might have in setting up a biking trip, as well as programs and campaigns you can join to get more involved.


Provided by Nora McCauley at Propel Electric Bikes

We have a baby:
Front-loader cargo bikes can support safely installed infant seats (aka car seats). When the baby has enough neck strength to sit, a child seat can be installed on the bicycle’s frame (front or back) or on a rear rack.

We have another baby:
You can combine a front-mounted child seat with a rear-mounted one. You can also try a trailer, or spring for a cargo bike.

Cargo bike time:
Cargo bikes are the perfect solution for families when the kids are too heavy for a child seat (>45 lbs.) and too young to ride their own bikes reliably.

Riding alongside kids:
Having the kids on their own bikes takes training, practice, confidence, and situational awareness. Block parties, open streets, and playgrounds are where it begins. You can also ride in a bike lane alongside your kid on the sidewalk. (Kids are legally allowed to ride on the sidewalk until they turn 13.)

Kids can ride on their own:
When kids are tall enough so that you know they can see and be seen by motorists, when they have enough traffic awareness to read situations and make safe choices, and they know how (and will remember) to operate a bike lock, if you practice riding together on a good safe route, they can do it.


Request a Bike Corral
Families can request bike parking stations outside schools and other locations! Get your principal’s support. NYC DOT is installing more bike corrals than ever. Visit their bike corrals page for more info.

Bike Match
Give a bike or get a bike for free with TA’s Bike Match program! Sign up here to get involved.

Bike to School Day
Watch TA’s webinar about how to plan a Bike to School Day at your school. National Bike to School Day is Wednesday, May 3, 2023.

You can also watch a video of our first Families Bike Brooklyn panel discussion, featuring:

  • Antonio Reynoso, Brooklyn Borough President

  • Ryan Lynch, Chief of Staff, DOT

  • Shéba Michel, Ride Leader, East BK Bike Club

  • Emily Stutts, Special Education Teacher and Founder of Bergen Bike Train

  • Ryan Russo, Principal, Together Projects


Families are invited to join TA’s Brooklyn Activist Committee for safer streets. Here are some petitions for our local safe streets campaigns.


Download this PDF with our list of resources and share it with your friends, neighbors, school, and any other community group you’d like to get involved!


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